Twix Launches New Advertising Campaign: Radical Left Twix and Alt-Right Twix


The tasty UK-turned-US treat, Twix, is sparking new controversy with the launch of its new campaign. The candy, which is knowns for its Left vs. Right debate, is rebranding as “Radical Left” vs. “Alt-Right” to gain intel on who will win the next presidential election. 

We have spoken to activists on both ends of the political spectrum, gathering information about their feelings surrounding this rebranding move. 

Allison, a “radical leftist” who has asked to keep her last name confidential, agreed to talk to a reporter from The Religious Patriot. “I just think this whole thing is ridiculous,” she said. “I mean, why do we need a f*****g candy company to tell us who will win an election! Why don’t we let the pollsters do their jobs?”

Let the pollsters do their jobs? The same pollsters who faked the results of the last presidential election? No thank you!

Peter Wetfoot, the kind man who spoke with our reporter, considers himself “the next face of QAnon.” Mr. Wetfoot says that “this new Twix campaign is more trustworthy than any poll this country has run in the last 50 years. Americans love candy. You know what they don’t love- liars. I trust these Twix folks with the next election.”

What do you think about this relaunch? Will you continue buying Twix- and if so, are you picking up a Radical Left or an Alt-Right? Let us know in the comments. 


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