"The Bestest President"

By Jem Butcher

Religious Patriot

    There is an ancient Indian proverb that says the fish is not as smart as the man, and that is why the fish gets eaten, and the man, not so much.  Likewise, I believe as a religious patriot, father of three, and North Carolina lawyer, that it is not up to the individual man to decide  whether a superior being such as President Trump deserves to be president.  For, as it can be scientifically proven, President Trump is a stable GENIUS!!!  In the aforementioned apocryphal story, one must note that we lowly citizens are the fish, and should not wish to get noticed and eaten by the man himself, President Donald Trump.

My favoritest person, President Donald Trump, is not in office right now.  There was an election, and I stand by the results that a cabal of the high elite in Russia decided to sell the Moldovan US embassy a few Russian Ballot counters that were ultimately used to count over 2.2 million votes from dead Russians!!!!  And I could talk for miles as to why the current President is not my favorite.  However, I am not only a religious patriot, I am also a quiet and brooding patriot.  Beware!

I believe, as do many of my southern komrads, that in 2024, when President Donald Trump decides to make America great again (again), that we, the silent majority will be able to vote him back into dictatorial power, as he rightfully deserves, as, don’t forget, he is a man, and we the lowly fish.  I’m not saying how, but there is a high chance that some laws may get changed that allow people to run for office three times.  I guess we’ll just have to see.  Nevertheless, I think you know how I’ll vote, and how every religious patriot of the United States of America should vote.

Thank you for reading this, and God bless America!
